Our Services
We offer a range of products and services designed to address gaps and needs in managing organisational knowledge and information.
Knowledge Audits and Assessments
This helps organisations to access their level of knowledge creation and sharing, identifying the strengths, opportunities and threats to effective knowledge management.
KM & Communication Strategy Development
Developing a strategy for knowledge management and communication guides organisations to effectively leverage their collective knowledge and experience.
Knowledge-based Activities and Events
We are experts in organising and facilitating activities and events to capture and share knowledge within organisations, or with external stakeholders.
We connect people to people to share information, ideas, insights, etc. through:
Lessons Learned / Reflections workshops
After action reviews
Knowledge cafe
Documentation and Communication
We are skilled in documenting achievements, lessons and impact, and disseminating these widely in quality knowledge materials and communication channels, such as:
Progress / Impact Reports
Case Studies
Factsheets, Infographics
Experience Papers
Toolkits and Manuals
Blogs and social media posts
Video Documentaries
We organise events and activities to connect people to people - for learning and collaboration.
Knowledge Sharing Tools and Technologies
We are also skilled in designing and managing tools, technologies and platforms for communication and information and knowledge sharing. These tools include:
Knowledge Repositories
Digital Libraries and Archives
Websites, Intranets
Virtual Community of Practice
Knowledge Management Capacity Development
We strengthen in-house capacity for information and knowledge sharing. Our range of capacity building support covers:
Report Writing
Effective Communication
Information Literacy
Qualitative Research
Use of Collaborative Tools
We are skilled in developing reports, case studies, infographics, blogs, video documentaries . . .
Monitoring, Evaluation and Research
We support organisations to monitor and evaluate their projects and activities. We also help organisations to conduct basic research to promote learning and understanding and break new grounds for growth and development.
Monitoring & Evaluation
Research & Learning
Quality Assurance and a lot more
We provide independent, professional review of existing information and knowledge sharing systems and processes. Our use of ISO 30401 will ensure you are on track with your KM plans and activities.
Let's quality assure your:
Reports, Manuals, Toolkits, etc.
Newsletters, Blogs
Trainings and Events
DQ 23, VON Garden Estate, Lugbe District, Abuja, Nigeria