Our services

From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, our comprehensive services can help your organisation and business thrive.

Knowledge creation and sharing
Knowledge and communication products

We are experts in facilitating activities and events to capture and share knowledge within organisations or with external stakeholders. From reflections workshops to after action reviews and from knowledge cafe to write-shops, let's be your strategists and moderators when you need to connect people to people for learning and collaboration.

We are highly skilled in developing quality knowledge and communication products for organisations to showcase their work and impact. Reports, case studies, factsheets, toolkits, manuals, blog and social media posts, video documentaries, newsletters, and advocacy briefs are only a few of the knowledge and communication products we specialize in developing.

We facilitate activities to connect people to people
- for learning and collaboration.

Knowledge sharing tools and platforms
Monitoring, evaluation and research

We are also very skilled in designing and managing tools, technologies and platforms for communication and information and knowledge sharing. These platforms include knowledge repositories, bases and archives, digital libraries, websites, intranets, and online community of practice.

We support organisations and teams to monitor and evaluate their knowledge-based work and results. We also help organisations conduct basic research to promote learning and understanding and ultimately for organisational growth and development.

We are skilled in developing reports, case studies, infographics, blogs, video documentaries . . .

Capacity building
Our services will help you . . .

We strengthen capacity of organisation staffs and project teams to contribute to effective knowledge management and communication. Our range of capacity building support includes training on report writing, effective communication, information literacy, action research and collaborative platforms.

  • increase your profile and visibility

  • improve your process and results

  • become thought leaders

  • gain competitive advantage

  • and achieve your goals and objectives